99 hits since 14 Dec 2024
Christian Teachers
Anyone involved in learning and teaching has many issues to deal with. Including the concept of good and bad teachers. And then of course the problem of true and false teachers. This applies not just to Christianity but really to any subject area. I tend to do computer courses. Some teachers are (IMHO) excellent teachers and also authentic(their code works) others not so good and full of themselves and their codes doesnt work! And so to Christian teachers. It is the responsibility of the student to seek out good and authentic teachers. And of course the student can be decieved by wily false and useless teachers. It would seem then that the student is responsible for choosing his own teachers. And since scandal ,rightly or wrongly can destroy a teachers legacy, eg Ravi Zacherias ,Mike Bickle et al ad nauseum. Then perhaps it would be wise to choose teachers who are dead and no scandal attached to them. They are perhaps beyond reproach, unless a old scandal is unearthed. But so far the teachers I mention have no scandal attached to their name and nobody knows of any!
So if they are morally ok then the second test kicks in.....are they true or false teachers?