106 hits since 14 Dec 2024
Divine Healing or miraculous healing
Seems like this is a very controversial point. Of course,so far all people die. But Joseph Seiss in his exposition of the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ on page 166
I have several times explained, that the first thing to be looked for in the
great and marvellous transactions embraced in the consummation of all
things, is the mysterious coming of the Lord Jesus to take those that wait
and watch for him, with such of the dead as have fallen asleep in the same
attitude. Good people are apt to be thinking of dying, and of being ready
for death. But no true Christian has any right to count on dying. There is
something that is more certain than death. There are some who will never
die. Those who are alive and waiting for Christ when he comes, shall never
taste of death. They shall be “taken” as Enoch was taken, as Elijah was
taken, as Romanists allege that the Virgin Mary was taken, and as some
say the Apostle John was taken. The words of Paul upon this point are too
plain to be misunderstood. He says, “The Lord himself shall descend from
heaven with a shout,… and we which are alive and remain shall be caught
But generally all people will die unless Christ comes first. And one of the arguments against healing is that all will die sometime. Which of course noone will really deny.
But if God is really God, ie a all powerful supernatural being for Whom nothing is impossible, then healing a disease is pretty small potatoes. Surely if God is God. We could of course argue against His willingness.....He may not be willing......And if we demand full sovereignty then surely God does too? He will not be pressured into something any more that we will. But then some preachers argue that it is fatal to pray “if it be Thy will.”.....and then of course some preachers would say that to “ask” is actually to “require” or even “demand”.
But if “according to ones faith it will be done to you”......then the onus lies with us......But others are outraged by this, how could God withold healing because ones faith was not strong enough. And so the arguments continue. The differences of opinions. So what is the Truth of the matter?
1Ki 17:24 And the woman said to Elijah, Now by this I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the LORD in thy mouth is truth.
Joh 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
I remember reading decades ago in the Carlos Casteneda books decades ago.....